Episode 8

Published on:

10th Feb 2022

Spiritual Warfare part 2

Bible passages mentioned in this episode:

Greek daimonion, which means an evil spirit, a demon. https://biblehub.com/greek/strongs_1140.htm

Mike Thompson podcast and sermons - https://www.youtube.com/user/pastormthompson , https://open.spotify.com/show/1HngPDk9kqocHDKpYBd5UG?si=3fafb53c30c4443f

Amanda Grace, most recent video - https://youtu.be/nLamAcgfI_8

Wanda Alger, video testimony - https://youtu.be/_xpLmzH_1G8

  • Healing Rooms https://healingrooms.com/
  • Request prayer/prophetic word over Zoom call - http://www.healingroomsloveland.org/HowToReqMin.php

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About the Podcast

Proclaiming Freedom
Sharing what God, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit are doing today.
Hi my good friends,
Its Sadie, here to share my testimony and discuss all things involved in following Jesus Christ. I know The Lord will put things on our hearts to spur us into bold obedience. This podcast is one of those steps for me. Join me and my guests as we discuss God's healing love and the power of the Holy Spirit moving in our lives.

Visit my website for more information

About your host

Profile picture for Sadie Anderson

Sadie Anderson

I'm here to talk about stuff I'm passionate about, which includes...Jesus, Holy Spirit and any topics related to those. I would have never considered doing a podcast until the Lord brought up the idea. Here's to blessing everyone that listens, as we seek Him and His Kingdom!

Head over to my website!

I'm not great at writing a bio but here are a few good starting points if you're interested in knowing me, the Commander in Chief of the Dweeb squad
Enneagram 4w5
Former athlete, currently still athletic. Thoroughly Homeschooled (that's where I get my sense of humor). Somewhat musically talented and an avid enjoyer of all good music.