God and His Signs
Scripture List:
- Judges 6
- Matt 16:1-4
- Matt 9:5-7
- Matt 11:20-24
- John 14:11
- Mark 16:20
- John 5:36
- John 10:25
- John 10:37-38
- John 20:30-31
- Acts 2:22
- Acts 14:3
- Hebrews 2:3-4
- Matt 28:18-20
- Matt 10:7-8
- Mark 16:15-20
Greek word Peirazontes
I Found the Truth testimony videos https://www.youtube.com/c/IFoundTheTruth
Dreams and Visions book by Tom Doyle https://www.christianbook.com/dreams-visions-jesus-awakening-muslim-world/tom-doyle/9780849947209/pd/947209
Video by Nate Johnston https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKX61pVGqXc
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